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about us...


Chef John Mitzewich

Chef John officially started his culinary career by enrolling at Paul Smith’s College, New York, in 1981.


Two years later he graduated with an AAS Degree, with Honors, in Culinary Arts/Chef Training and was also awarded “Outstanding Chef Training Student.”


Over the next 20 plus years, Chef John held just about every position possible in the food industry. After having seen and done it all in the food industry, Chef John went on to teach at the California Culinary Academy.


After almost five years of teaching, John eventually decided to leave the school and follow his dream of teaching a larger audience how to cook, and share his passion for fine food.


Andrew Scrivani

Andrew is a photographer, director, and producer who has worked on editorial, publishing, advertising, content creation, documentary, and feature film projects. He is also an internationally recognized workshop instructor and author and columnist on the subject of visuals. He has been a regular contributor for The New York Times since 2002.

Andrew is the Founder of Andrew Scrivani Academy an online learning platform for photographers. He is also an Adobe Stock Community Mentor and Adobe Express Ambassador.

Andrew is also an Executive Producer for the film company Borough Five Pictures and has recently completed work on his first full-length feature film, Team Marco and first short film Ten Shots. Andrew’s first book, That Photo Makes Me Hungry by Countryman Press launched in the Fall of 2019.

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